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Regular Verbs

Regular Verbs base -s form past past participle -ing form notes call calls called called calling clean cleans cle…

Talking about Feelings/Health Issues

How's the weather today? How do you feel? How are you feeling? Is everything okay? What&#…

Describing People

Personality and Appearance 1.Tell me about your father.    What kind of person is he? …

Talking about here and now

1. What is Ms. Chan    doing? 2. What is he doing? 3. What are you doing? 4. Who is singing …

Talking about Favourite Things

1. What is your favorite color? 2. What's your favorite kind of music? 3. Favorite sport?…

Nama-nama binatang dalam bahasa inggris (bergambar)

Nama-nama binatang dalam bahasa inggris | Setelah pada beberapa waktu lalu saya share kamus bergamb…